Our Services

Stop and Regrow is a holistic program that stops your hair loss and regrows thicker hair by treating your underlying biochemical imbalance and addressing lifestyle factors that contributed to your hair loss.


Treating the symptoms of hair loss without correcting the underlying biochemical cause is not a viable solution. Our program employs a comprehensive approach to regrowing thick and healthy hair by correcting the various factors contributing to the condition.         


In fact, Dr Nettles’ work in this area has led him through the fields of genetics, hair transplant surgery, ophthalmology, dermatology, biochemistry, chemistry, and botany.


Dr Nettles has not only identified how hair loss happens, but why it happens. His Stop and Regrow program identifies all the factors, both hereditary and environmental, that impact your hair and overall health. His Biomedical Report Card is a comprehensive suite of lab tests that cover your organ and cell health, hormone balance, nutritional intake, enzyme activity and all other factors contributing to your specific alopecia. He then formulates a precision program based on your individual blood work results to rebalance and optimize your biochemistry. You will look and feel and live better.


Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, with the help of modern science, a great team, and the work of Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, Dr Nettles has formulated amazing medical products that will repair inherited enzyme defects for a hair restoration program unlike any other.

You will regrow your hair – and keep it!

Precision Medicine

We are all products of our genetics and environment. Precision medicines factor these determinants into every facet of modern medical innovation. Customized clinical protocols are not only successful, but broadly beneficial. Ours have benefits far beyond your hair regrowth.


Among the many runoff symptoms to follow hair-loss are fatigue, trouble sleeping, lack of libido, difficulty building muscle, weight gain, and many ‘age’ related diseases. A true customized remedy addresses not only your DNA, but nutrition and lifestyle considerations to reverse this cascade of symptoms. Your body will regrow its hair and restore its vigor, its libido, and will sleep as soundly as it used to. And, of course, we track your progress throughout.


Ours is never a set-and-forget program. We monitor your results and progress and adapt your medicines to suit each stage of your hair regrowth and physical renewal. We’re always only a phone call away.

So What Is Your Problem?

Dr Nettles has created the Biochemical Report Card to identify all the factors detracting from your hair growth and your overall health. The Biochemical Report Card forms a major component of your assessment. It enables the Doctor to create a precision hair growth treatment plan to restore biochemical balance to your body and naturally regrow your hair. He also adds a hair growth stimulant to speed the regrowth process. Schedule your free video consultation here.

We understand life is busy and you don't have time for complications. Our MENS program takes less than 12 seconds per day to restore your hair and improve your health.

Why Haven't You Heard of Stop and Regrow?

The simple answer – Australian import legislation. Many Australian clients over the years have traveled annually to Los Angeles California for their customized hair-loss solution – a testament itself to the efficacy of our program. These clients then had to physically bring their medicines into Australia.

We’ve spent almost two years exploring Australian import legislation and with help from regulating authorities can now import our Stop And Regrow products through standard channels for the many Aussies who couldn’t make that trip.

Your Stop And Regrow solution is finally here – and we’ve worked hard to get it you!

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